Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Deck Chairs Moved At NYT, BGlobe

The NYTimes' earnings are down more than half from last year, and its co-owned paper, the Boston Globe, will be axing 35 staff members, says another flounderer, WaPo. E&P notes that BGlobe's cirulation has fallen another seven percent. What, are masses moving out of Boston and se somehow missed it?

Even though the media holding company's revenues droped from $48.3 million to $23.1 million, profits were up 2.2 percent for the quarter -- which is one (albiet small) reason why the papers aren't changing their left bias in an effort to attract broader readership.

One would think that increased competition from cable, the internet and blogs, and increased scrutity on their lib shenanigans by the same, would encourage Sulzberger and his crew to stop playing the same old song is the ship takes on water. But its hard to change religions, and the NYT is the grand temple of secular liberalism, so on they'll play.