Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A Link For Laura

Everyone else is linking to Big Lizard's detailed analysis of the Today Show clip from which the charges arose that Laura Bush played the sexism card in defending Miers, so I will too.

This blow-up is, without a doubt, the conservative blogosphere at its worst. It's a dogpile over scat. It's the bloggers' obsession with information processing so overwrought that they've forgotten to think.

Big Lizard is probably right and Malkin, the Captain, Patterico and all the others are probably wrong.

But that's not even the point. Even if Laura had looked right in the camera and said, "You're absolutely right, Matt, some of the reaction to Miers is sexist," she would have been dead-on right. Among all the arguments about constitutional scholarship and brainpower, I keep thinking, "Would you even be raising that if we were talking about Harry Miers?" Probably. But you can't convince me that her sex is part of the issue with some.

In any case, sexism isn't the only problem, and it's not the worst. That goes to two-faced-ness. You can't demand that Dems accept the President's nomination with mere advice and consent, then renig because you don't like the president's nomination. You can't praise him for Rumsfield, Cheney and Rice and fault him for Miers.

She's his choice. When he's chosen people he knows, he's chosen well. So get over it and get behind it, or shut up.