Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Howard Dean, Race-Baiter

Republican Party chair Ken Mehlman told the NAACP today that the "party of Lincoln and the African-American people have an incredible story together." He urged them to consider the GOP if dissatisfied with the quality of their education, housing or retirement options.

According to AP, Mehlman also praised the president's s minority hiring record, and his focus on African aid.

Against this substance, Howard Dean said:
I'm shocked that he would have the nerve to show his face in front of any African-American organization after the way they treated those people in New Orleans.
Got to hand it to those Dems. They can beat a dead horse better than anyone, especially if they can further the 3Ds in the process: Divisiveness, discord and dissatisfaction.

Oh, and by the way Howard, calling blacks "those people" is generally regarded as just a bit racist. Might want to watch yourself.