Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, October 14, 2005

California's Water Future In Doubt

A state appeals court has turned California's future upside down by saying that a STATE water project need not necessarily deliver water to the southern part of the state.

Environmentalists are of course elated:
"People who are concerned about growth and sustainable use of natural resources have never felt, politically, that using water to control growth was a viable policy option," said Gary Bobker, program director at the Bay Institute. "It was felt to be a backdoor effort when leaders should be dealing with it at the front door."
The court was ignorant and obtuse:
"However, if there is no water to support the growth, will it occur as projected? Population growth is not an immutable fact of life," the court said in the ruling issued Friday. (source)
Over three-quarters of California's population growth comes from us having babies, so the notion that controlling water will control population is a water pipe dream. The judges should be aware of the demographics of the state they represent.

The environmentalist's elation, if this case stands, will be short lived. Using the courts to deprive Southern California of the STATE's water will lead to Southern Californians moving north, to where the water is.

Get ready, greenies, here we come, with all our GOP politics, multiple kids, SUVs and Christianity. Take our water, and we'll take your culture.