Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Schumer Gets Big Bucks From Soros As Aides Dumpster Dive For Credit Histories

If you haven't read Michelle Malkin and Captains Quarters on the smarmy Chuck Schumer scandal, in which two aides to the Dem Sen Campaign Committee which Schumer chairs clearly broke the law, do so.

Dumpster diving to steal Del. Lt. Gov. Michael Steele's identity, then get and share his credit history, then share it with others is criminal and should result in (1) jail time, (2) outrage from the media, and (3) the forced resignation of Schumer from the DSCC, since he either can't control his troops ... or he is controlling them.

We'll see if any of those happen.

Meanwhile, do you think the billionaires George Soros invited over to cut checks to Schumer would have been so kind if this scandal had broken a it sooner?
Billionaire financier George Soros hosted a fundraiser for Senate Democrats last week at his Manhattan home, making his first foray into politics after spending $25 million of his money in an effort to defeat President Bush last year. Soros gathered about 60 of his friends and acquaintances in his Upper East Side home Thursday to hear a presentation from Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, according to a knowledgeable source. The event raised an estimated $250,000 for Senate Democratic candidates. The Hill: Soros Dives into Midterms