Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

NoKo: Peaceful Nukes Or Songun?

This shot of North Korea and South Korea shows why Kim Il Jung might think a nuclear reactor just might come in handy.

In a statement, the North Koreans blamed the current impasse on the US' refusal to hand over the reactors -- not a reactor -- first:
What is most essential is, therefore, for the U.S. to provide reactors to North Korea as quickly as possible, in order to substantially prove its recognition of our right to nuclear activity for peaceful purposes.

The U.S. should not even dream that North Korea would dismantle its nuclear deterrent before providing it with light-water reactors, which is a physical guarantee of confidence-building. This is our just and consistent position, which is as solid and as a deeply-rooted rock. Up until now, we have shaped our policies as a reaction to the U.S. hardliners, and will continue to do so.
We, of course, say all NoKo has to do is shut down its bomb-making operation as a "physical guarantee of confidence-building."

And we're right on this one. We're the ones with the light, they're the ones that need it. They're the ones that break every promise, we're the ones that know it.

There's one thing that will immediately stop the impasse: China. They can cut off NoKo's oil, power, water, food.

The big questions: What is China going to demand from us to get NoKo to flip its position? And will we give it?

And one more question: Even then, would NoKo fold? Here's the final part of teh NoKo statement:
If the U.S.opts to renege on its promise, we will forge ahead without even a hint of hesitation along the road indicated by the Songun line, which is our faith and signpost.
The editor explains:
The "Songon Line" or the Songun Ideal are said to have been introduced by Kim Jong-il in 1995 as an offshoot of the "Juche" Ideal, which means, essentially, "Self Reliance." The Songun Line is like Stalinist Communism on steroids. Like the former Soviets, it emphasizes the military over the quality of life of its people as a necessary stage in the nation's development. This is how the regime explains why the "Worker's Paradise" is more like a living hell. Here is an excerpt from a Korean News article that seeks to explain the Songun Ideal:

Songun means regarding military affairs as the greatest of State affairs ... Some people ask: "Why do north Koreans pay priority to military affairs while going hungry?" and "Can the gun feed people?" As they say, the gun cannot give people food. But the essence of the Songun idea is that even though the gun of the revolutionary army cannot make a meal, it can create something even more valuable. Those with the guns of revolution have it within their power to create ideological and political life.