Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Massive NYT, Globe Layoffs

Big Print continues to struggle against changing reader habits, competition and high costs, as evidenced by big layoffs at NYTimes and its sister pub, the BosGlobe -- 500 at the NYT and 160 at BG, including 45 and 35 newsroom positions, respectively.

Meanwhile the Philadelphia Inquirer and News are cutting 100 positions.

NYT's Arthur O. (for "Oops?") Salzberger blamed the cuts not on failing to adapt to a changing marketplace but on the mythical bad economy that Lefties have had to invent to confront the healthiness of Bush's economy. O. said the cuts were due to "continued financial challenges and the cloudy economic outlook for the remainder of the year." He also mentioned the unions as a wee bit of a problem.

That was in a written memo. But the scions of sources, the avatars of attribution weren't exactly talking to the press:
Times Executive Editor Bill Keller could not immediately be reached, while Globe Editor Martin Baron declined a request for comment.
Of course they weren't available. What could they say? We're old school? We're refusing to change? We're going to stay in denial about our bias?

Or is it simply, "We don't care because employees are just disposable minions and we can still make a billion a year in profits?"