Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, September 19, 2005

LATimes For Sale?

The LATimes reports this morning that the man who brought us Joni Mitchell and the Eagles (who I got to spend three hours with on Friday, along with 20,000 other fans) has met with the LAT to discuss buying it.

David Geffen's offer was turned down and the LAT says it's not for sale.

That's not going to stop Angelenos from trying to wrest control of the paper from the ChiTribune.
"People, when they get to that level, they always think they can do it better," said one city power player who spoke on condition of anonymity because he said his conversations with Geffen were supposed to be confidential. "I think I could do a lot better with the L.A. Times too."
Who couldn't? Geffen has told friends he'd like to correct what he sees as unfairness in the paper's news and editorial pages, but one has to wonder what Geffen -- who reportedly raised over $20 million for Clinton during his presidency -- sees as unfair at the LAT. Perhaps its movie and film reviews?

Also mentioned in the article as potential LAT buyers are two other big-time Dems: Eli Broad, the homebuilding/financial tycoon who got in close with defamed Clinton fundraiser Johnny Chung, and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers creator and big time contributor to Dem campaigns Haim Saban.

With buyers like these it might be better to just keep the ownership in Chicago.