Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Blair, Clinton Axe BBC's Katrina News

Rupert Murdoch leaked a private conversation with Tony Blair:
Murdoch said Blair first turned on the BBC’s coverage of New Orleans flooding disaster during a recent visit to New Delhi. “He said it was just full of hatred of America and gloating at our troubles,” Murdoch claimed.
And former Pres. Clinton also blasted the coverage at his Clinton Global Initiative conference in NY, saying, according to UK's The Business Online:
Former US president Clinton said the corporation’s coverage, while factually accurate, had been “stacked up” to criticise the federal government's slow response to the catastrophe without focusing on any of the other relief efforts or the magnitude of the task.
Not surprisingly, BBC ignored the storm of criticism, saying only it "was committed solely to relaying the event fully, accurately and impartially, an approach we will continue to take with this and other stories.” Yeah, right.

h/t Instapundit