Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Kuwait Asks For Saddam's Death

George Soros said the other day that the war on terror has "done more harm than good. ... It has diverted our attention from other vital" missions. I don't think he'll be visiting Kuwait any time soon to deliver this message.

Kuwait has filed a brief with Baghdad asking for the execution of Saddam Hussein. Says AP:
The counts include kidnapping, murder, torture, theft and damaging the environment. Kuwait also alleges that senior Iraqi officials ordered — in writing — the theft and destruction of the country's archives and that Iraqis sabotaged some 700 oil wells before their troops withdrew from the country as U.S. forces advanced on them.
The Soros set is so busy criticising America that they don't look at the consequences of there not being an America to curtail the activities of global threats like Hussein. The scenarios that play out had Hussein been left to his own devices are grave indeed: Instability at best in the global economy, alliances with China to create an oil-rich and freedom-poor axis, the quest for WMDs, and on and on.

My growing Lefty audience will howl at WMDs, but they're forgetting that in historical terms, we are in the midst of one campaign against Hussein, fought over a couple decades. Had we not intervened the first time, he would have had the money, will and resources to pursue what he often bragged about -- an Arab nuke.