Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, September 23, 2005

ESA's Favorite Species At Risk

The species that stands above all others under the Endangered Species Act, the most protected of the protected, is at risk.

It's the sacred cow.

Yes, the Big Green Fundraising Machine is shaking because yesterday the House Resources Committee passed the first meaningful reform of ESA since the 1980s.

Big thanks to Hugh for responding so quickly to my request for a post on the subject, which you'll find here. Hugh's focus is on the Senate, as it should be. It's pretty clear a decent enough bill will pass the House; we need something out of the Senate so we can get in Conference Committee.

Environmentalists are using the Act to attack water projects that are necessary to bring water to our cities, new power lines that are needed to bring power to our cities, flood control projects that are necessary to protect our cities from Katrina-like disasters. They're stopping schools, roads, hospitals, employment centers and homes.

And in the process, they're pocketing huge amounts of court-awarded attorneys fees, which they use to keep their litigation mills well oiled.

None of this has much to do with protecting species. It has to do with the vision of some environmentalists, like the hysteria-fired Center for Biological Diversity, of a de-populated American West. And it has much to do with fundraising, staffing and big new headquarters buidings, like the Natural Resources Defense Council built a couple years back.

Help us keep the momentum up by logging onto the Save Habitat Conservation Plans web site and, in just a few clicks, sending a letter to your elected representative.