Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, September 09, 2005

Dems Use Katrina For Campaign Bucks

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee got caught using Katrina to raise funds -- not for the displaced, but for its candidates' campaigns.

Newsday reports that the Committee, with a cheerleading section provided by Chuck Schumer, has been asking people to sign a petition calling to "Fire the FEMA director." according to Newsday,
When recipients clicked on a link to the petition, the top center of the screen -- above the call to "Fire the FEMA director" -- had asked for a donation to the DSCC.
As soon as their greedy little scheme was uncovered by AP, DSCC pulled down the page and said they would donate any money raised by the anti-FEMA petition to Katrina relief.

That's nice. But as a party that exploits blacks for their vote, don't you think they should have thought of using the petition for Katrina relief in the first place?