Blanco The Supplicant
Somebody got to Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and taught her how to do it right.
Testifying today, Blanco refused to go tit-for-tat with former FEMA chief Michael Brown. Reports Fox:
Blanco and her Senators are asking for a big, fat blank check from Congress, a pot o' gold they're eager to use for their political ... and, given the state's history, personal ... gain. So she is being the model of decorum, so Congress will see her as a worthy recipient of their own politically motivated largess.
Testifying today, Blanco refused to go tit-for-tat with former FEMA chief Michael Brown. Reports Fox:
But when given the opportunity to again respond to Brown's scathing statements from a day earlier, Blanco declined.Don't be fooled. Blanco's not about to let Brown run over her, despite the clear evidence that she botched the emergency response badly. But that's a battle for another day."Today, I came to talk about job creation," she told Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D.
Asked by Sen. James Jeffords, Ind.-Vt., about FEMA's management of hurricane relief, Blanco replied that an independent commission should be formed to investigate, and "there are lessons to be learned. ... We can all work hard."
Blanco and her Senators are asking for a big, fat blank check from Congress, a pot o' gold they're eager to use for their political ... and, given the state's history, personal ... gain. So she is being the model of decorum, so Congress will see her as a worthy recipient of their own politically motivated largess.
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