Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, September 12, 2005

Blair's Whacked Out Advisor

One of the Muslims the Blair government goes to for consultation on things Islamic has said the Iraq war is the result of pressure from Jews and Freemasons. Jews, coming from an Islamic "scholar," we can understand -- but Freemasons?! That's pretty whacked.

The advisor is Ahmad Thompson from the Association of Muslim Lawyers, a convert to Islam from Rhodesia, a country with quite a racist tradition.

He's quoted in the Telegraph:
"Pressure was put on Tony Blair before the invasion. The way it works is that pressure is put on people to arrive at certain decisions. It is part of the Zionist plan and it is shaping events."
Very clever of the Jews, don't you think, this "putting pressure on" strategy? It's amazing that the Muslims haven't tried it. Maybe it's something new. He goes on:
"When the majority of people in a predominantly Christian society cease to worship God, the result is fascism. When the people in a predominantly Jewish society cease to worship God, the result is either communism or capitalism."
He didn't point out that when a majority of people in a predominantly Islamic society cease to worship God, the result is racism, jihadism and the murder of innocents.

A Blair spokesperson said:
"It is by talking to people with varying views that we find out what the range of opinions is. It doesn't mean we agree with what they are saying."
Good thing.

h/t Memeorandum