Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, September 24, 2005

al Qaeda Overjoyed With Katrina

The blacked-out newscaster on al Qaeda's weekly newscast for mid-September, the Voice of the Caliphate, was thrilled with Katrina's destruction:
The entire Islamic world is overflowed with joy when hurricane Katrina struck in America, which seemed to reel from the strength of the hurricane and went asking for aid from all the countries of the world.

Broken and completely humiliated, George Bush, a fool who is being obeyed, announced his obvious incapability to deal with the wrath of Allah that visited the city of homosexuals.

While Louisiana is trying to recover from the aftermath of hurrican Katrina, another hurricane fiercely struck the state of North Carolina on the Atlantic coast, but so far there have been no casualties or significant damage as was expected.

We hope Allah [whom their credits call "all merciful"] will humiliate America with this hurricane to make a lesson for whoever wants to listen.
As both Ophelia and Rita failed to meet al Qaeda's expectations, not humiliating America, is there a lesson there for whoever listens to this tripe?

h/t Watching America