Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, August 08, 2005

That Confusing Morality Thing

I was just thinking yesterday that it's been a while since I've written under this headline, and lo and behold, this morning one of the most confused writings on morality appeared in Real Clear Politics.

Under the faulty headline, "That Nazareth fellow would have been a Democrat" (it should be "That Nazarene fellow .."), author Linda Valdez of the Arizona Republic draws us to the web site of a Lutheran minister (tip off), Live Liberal. From there, she offers this morality lesson to Hillary, who she presumes will be running for president sometime soon.
  • "[L]iberals support changes that increase personal freedom and tolerance, and exercise the liberty to empower government to the extent necessary to achieve those ends."
How odd sounding to we fundamentalists who are barely tolerated by the leaders of the Democratic party; our speech curtailed, our beliefs ridiculed, our prayers circumscribed, our efforts to play as equals in the public world thwarted. Yes, it's a reference to the Patriot Act, too. Show me one Liberal Christian who has been hurt by that piece of law.
  • "Liberals also deserve 'family values' mantle because the 40-hour workweek, laws against child labor and other protections for workingmen and women were liberal ideas of old. High-quality child care is a liberal idea for today's working families."
I haven't heard any GOP leaders argue about the 40-hour work week in my lifetime, or for the repeal of child labor laws. Please crawl out of your history book Ms. Chavez and say something about the Dem position on abortion, parental notificaion, pornography and promiscuity (remember that Clinton fellow?) -- that's family values.
  • :At a time when conservatives are suggesting that providing health care to workers is not an employer's responsibility, Democrats should be pointing out the inherent immorality of the existence of a "working poor" class. They should be 'for' better wages. They should be 'for' national health care.
If the Dems succeed in closing down every Wal-Mart, what good will higher wages do? People will spend more to buy less. Chavez can't see the fact that the GOP is pro-jobs and is doing a darn good job of brining them on. Yes, we are against over-paying and over-privileging jobs, and we're against frivolous lawsuits against job-generators. Isn't that moral too?

And why should we be for national health care? Because it works so well in Canada? Ideas are nice, but show me an idea that works.
  • They should point out that Jesus was a liberal, too.
If Jesus was anything, He was one who did not fit into any earthly categorizations. Caring, loving, giving; these are Christ's characteristics the Liberals would like to assume. But Christ also had a thing about doing things against God's will, and against self-righteousness, which Valdez certainly exhibits by thinking Dems are the only ones capable of love.

Besides, as Dr. J. Vernon McGee said in his recorded message this morning, "When truth and love come into conflict, truth prevails."

And that is where the morality vote comes from. The Dems think they have a patent on love, because they view love as giving away other people's money. That's a bit to liberal for that Nazarene.