Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Old Boy's Club In Print

Monday was Dean Baquet's first day as editor of the LATimes. Here's an excerpt of a writeup in the blog LAObserved:
Speculation is that Baquet will name two or more managing editors below him. The names mentioned most often are Deputy Managing Editor Leo Wolinsky and Istanbul bureau chief Doug Frantz, who worked with Baquet at the Chicago Tribune and New York Times. Also grist for the rumor mill: Deputy Managing Editor John Montorio, Assistant ME's Janet Clayton and Marc Duvoisin, National Editor Scott Kraft, Foreign Editor Marjorie Miller and Boston Globe Editor Marty Baron, a friend from Baquet's days at the New York Times.
I don't know the other folks, but I did notice that at least two of the eight were old buds from other papers, and that the resumes speak of a tight clique: LAT, NYT, ChiTrib, BosGlobe -- only WaPo is missing from this pantheon of leading liberal dailies.

h/t Media Bistro
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