Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Kos Comments Slam Roberts

From the comments cuing up fast at Kos:

[Updated; new at the top]

I can't believe what I am reading in some of the comments here. Roberts' inexperience alone makes him unqualified for a position on the Supreme Court. No Democrat should vote to approve this inexperienced right-wing extremist.

And I wonder why the hell bill clinton didn't nominate really young people!!!!!! WTF was he thinking????

This is one of the worst choices in post-Civil War history. It does fit nicely with the Rovian strategy of protecting the base when ratings go down. It is also a nice distraction from Rove's legal difficulties. I only hope that all the democratic angst is NOT focused against his abortion stance. While this is bad enough, there is a lot of other stuff in his record that might be more productive to attack. His minimal experience, antipathy towards the environment, his lobbying for industry, his role as a Bush henchman etc.

Thanks, Ralph [Nader]. Thanks a bunch.

Here's the QUO: Roberts was one of the three (Repub-appointed) appeals court judges who -- just this past week -- overruled the circuit judge who had halted the Guantanamo tribunals on the grounds that they violated the Geneva Convention. Now Bush can claim a legal figleaf of respectability with this barbaric practice, and the mock trials can go on, thanks to Roberts et al. And tonight, Bush provided Roberts with his QUID.

I'm thinking that the odds of him being successfully blocked are on the order of 3-1 against.

Listen guys, he ain't Thurgood Marshall, but the fact is that we got 45 seats in the senate, and 7 of our guys are not gonna agree to a filibuster (Roberts ain't exactly an extraordinary circumstance). Confirm him quickly, and let's get back on our issues for the 2006 elections.

Why don't you go back and focus on the family?

In some ways, I'm glad it's not Gonzales. But unfortunately, the religious fanatics and the corporations will united behind this guy.

Give him blond hair, and he looks like Dan Quayle.

Sounds like exceptional circumstances to me, no?

..."he won't legislate from the bench." Way to take a DIRECT STAB at the judges in Massachusetts who ruled that -- God Forbid -- gays should have eqaul rights and be able to get married. What a ************ this guy is. Let's prove he lied about Rove and impeach his ass.

I think the anti-choice nuts don't like him because he doesn't advocate the death penalty for women that get abortions. [Huh?]

This is the "get the liberals more pissed about SCOTUS than Karl Rove" choice.