Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Jihadi Want No Moderation (Of Course)

Here's the latest from that famous religion of peace:

Muslims have the obligation to go to Jihad and to retaliate upon their enemies and there is no guilt in doing what ALLAH has ordered. No Muslim should be misguided and made to believe that retaliation for the atrocities committed by the non-Muslims upon Muslims is to be tolerated. No Muslim should go against his brother/sister jihadi in order to appease the non-Muslim governments of the world. No Muslim owes any apologies to any non-Muslim nation and no Muslim needs to be feeling bad for the crimes that are carried out by the Bush and Blair bastards under the guise of the Mujahideen. …

ALLAH’s curse is upon you for your treason against the Muslim religion and people. REPENT before it is too late !


h/t lgf

And who is the recipient of this bit of hatred? The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the leading mouthpiece for Islam in America. CAIR is hardly strong enough on its anti-terror position, yet it is not strong enough for that teeny-tiny portion of Islam, just 15 million or so, that believes in cutting off heads and blowing up children.

It's amazing that as CAIR is being slapped upside the head by people of their faith, they still find it appropriate to slap up Christians, like Rev. Ron Parsley who wrote in one of his book Silent No More: "Muhammad received revelations from demons and not from the true God," and "Islam is an anti-Christ religion that intends, through violence, to conquer the world."

Just a viewpoint, right? Not exactly. Here's what CAIR says about it:
"It is disturbing that someone in the cloak of religion and supposedly a follower of the great faith of the peaceful Jesus Christ would spew such venom. This is ignorance what he is saying. This same exact type of claim [about propagating violence] can be prepared about any other religious or ethnic group. Just collect the crimes committed by people who claim to be followers of such groups, whether like Christians or Jews or otherwise. "
As Islamic terrorists around the world use bombs and machetes to massacre the innocent, CAIR is very, very out of line attempting to draw any comparison between their religion and ours. Their rebuttal, as is typical, included only venom, no lessons in the Koran to prove Parlsey wrong. Curious.