Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Paranoid Hand-Wringing on Theocracy

At the "Examining the Real Agenda of the Religious Right" conference this weekend, Joan Bokaer, founder of, compared the Federal Communications Commission's tightened restrictions on indecency on television with the Taliban. According to the Washington Times report:
"Indecency police are a major part of theocratic states," Ms. [Joan] Bokaer said, flashing a picture of Islamic women covered head to foot under the title, "Taliban: Ministry for the Protection of Virtue and Prevention of Vice."
Funny, I don't remember the secular Left rallying around Bush's invasion of Afghanistan, nor do they seem to mind that pornographers -- true exploiters of women -- are big funders of Dem campaigns.

Also heard at the conference was Bob Edgar of the National Council of (non-biblical, leftist) Churches:
"This may be the darkest time in our history. The religious right have been systematically working at this for 40 years. The question is, where is the religious left?"
I can think of much darker times, like the Civil War when the early Republicans led the war against what would become the racist Dixiecrats. Or in the dark days of the World Wars, when we dealt with life-and-death issues without senseless handwringing from the Left.

Where is the religious left? Discredited, forgotten, compromised, irrelevant.

h/t Power Line