Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, April 30, 2005

LAT Busted On Sgrena Story

Patterico busted the LATimes today by comparing an original Reuters story with the edited Reuters story the LAT ran on the US military's report on the Giuliana Sgrena incident. He found that the LAT, which always plays up the Italian Communist journalist's claim that the car carrying her was traveling no more than 30 mph, edited this paragraph from the Reuters story:
CBS news has reported that a U.S. satellite had filmed the shooting and that it had been established the car carrying [Italian intelligence agent] Calipari [and Sgrena] was traveling at more than 60 mph per hour [sic] as it approached the U.S. checkpoint in Baghdad.
Patterico also points out that in reporting the U.S. soldier's action, LAT replaced the word "killing" in the Reuters story with "slaying." There is quite a difference between the two words. I could hit someone with my car and kill them, or I could deliberately shoot them and kill them. I could only slay them in the latter case; the word connotes deliberateness. (h/t Dafydd)

When will the diehard Lib MSM finally realize that their world has become much more transparent? Each ethical breach, each distorted report, each blatant bias will come to light, yet they prattle on, oblivious to the new reality, fiddling while their circulation plummets.

h/t Michelle Malkin

Update: They've done it again. From Patterico's post this morning:

A Reuters story filed Saturday morning states on page two:

CBS news has reported that a U.S. satellite had filmed the shooting and that it had been established the car carrying Calipari was traveling at more than 60 miles per hour as it approached the U.S. checkpoint in Baghdad.

Today’s L.A. Times reprint of the article edits out that passage, which suggests that there is definitive proof that the car was speeding – a critical issue in the controversy.

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