Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, April 29, 2005

What Dem Outspent Soros in 2004?

George Soros gave a lot of money to 527s trying to get the elitist, stumbling John Kerry elected -- $12,650,000, according to the Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy at Brigham Young University. A pretty good donation, outspending ultralib Steven Bing nearly two-to-one.

But Soros plays second fiddle in this orchestra, falling nearly $2 million short of the $14,230,000 in 527 contributions made by Peter B. Lewis. Lewis gave the Dem's Joint Victory Campaign $7.5 million, Act Now nearly $3 million, Move On.Org $2.5 million, and his "marijuana block" -- he's a big supporter of legalized marijuana -- nearly $1 million. That block is made up of the Marijuana Policy Project Political Fund, Young Democrats of America and Punk Voter.

Who is Peter Lewis? The Chairman and CEO of the they-don't-call-it-Progressive-for-nothing auto insurance company. If your insurance is with Progressive, you should cancel it immediately.