Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, March 07, 2005

UN Press Corps on Bolton Appointment

This is good, so I'll just let the first two questions at today's UN press briefing speak for themselves:

: Stéphane, does the Secretary-General have any reaction to the nomination of John Bolton as the new United States Ambassador the United Nations?

Associate Spokesman
: Yes. The Secretary-General warmly congratulates Mr. Bolton and looks forward to working with him on UN reform and the many other issues that we’ll be facing in the coming months. The Secretary-General was called earlier this morning by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to give him a head up on the appointment and she assured the Secretary-General that Ambassador Bolton will be coming to work with us on UN reform and a full range of other issues.

Yes, Richard?

: But still, there are quotes on the record from Mr. Bolton where you could cut the top ten floors of the UN down you won’t miss a thing. Compared to other US ambassadors that have been nominated, there is a very harsh rhetoric in policy. Did the [Secretary General] drop the phone when he was told? What is the real reaction to having someone here who will be holding the place accountable, but also has a previous bias?

Associate Spokesman
: Well, I don’t know about what previous biases he may bring here. I think we have nothing against people who do hold us accountable. On the contrary, I think we do want to be held accountable and that’s one of the issues we have been working on in the last months and will be working on in the months ahead.