Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, March 07, 2005

Another Convert to Bushism

Associated Press reports (via the SacBee) one Dem presidential contender thinks the Bush policy in the Middle East may just be a good thing after all:
Support for President Bush's mission of spreading democracy throughout the world, especially the Mideast, is winning accolades from an unlikely source - New Mexico's Gov. Bill Richardson, a prominent Democrat often mentioned as a possible presidential candidate.

Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and energy secretary under President Clinton, on Monday cited Syria's promise to lower the profile of its 14,000 troops in Lebanon as a "very significant" result of U.S. pressure. ...

"I believe the Bush administration deserves credit for putting pressure and saying that authoritarian regimes have to go," Richardson said on NBC's "Today" show. Bush's stated mission of spreading democracy around the world "is working, whether it's by design or by accident," he said.

Wish I'd seen Katie Couric choke on that. Maybe all of us the Left accused of being too stupid to vote for Kerry aren't so dull-witted after all.