Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, March 25, 2005

DA Won't Prosecute Brian Gillis Case

Bad news on the Brian Gillis case. (Previous posts here and here)

Those tracking this will remember that San Luis Obispo County DA Gerald Shea refuses to bring charges in the case of Brian's death. Specifically, he won't charge the young man who had the deadly amount of the drug GHB that Brian drank from a Gatoraid bottle, probably with no knowledge it was a drug. California Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee met with Shea yesterday in an effort to convince him to bring charges. I'll let Brian's mom pick up the story:
Assemblyman Blakeslee called me about 4:30 p.m. He said he did his best, but the DA said in their opinion the case is not prosecutable. He says the witnesses are not very credible. This DA is so full of you know what. He had an excuse for everything. Dan Blackburn told me he was going to be speaking with him tonight and see wht the next plan would be. Blakeslee definitely wants to get some laws changed. We can still appea to the Attorney General, but I don't know.
I am thinking of picketing next week. Maybe your [Assemblyman] Todd [Spitzer] and Blakeslee could get the attorney general to do something. I still want to press this even after the statute runs out. I made a promise to my son just before he was taken away after his funeral in the hearse that I would do everything I could to get the truth out and if there was foul play, have the guilty parties brought to justice.

I feel so terrible. So close to the 3rd annivrsay of his death and I was not able to keep my promise. My legs feel so heavy and I have not been able to get anything done since the call came from Blakeslee.
It is sad and ironic that this woman is struggling against the court system to bring justice to her son who was murdered, just as the Schindlers are struggling to keep their daughter from being killed. In both cases, an arrogant and aloof legal system is ignoring evidence and making bad choices and it seems like we can do nothing about it.