Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Patterico Nails It in LAT Op/Ed

Patrick Frey, better known to us as the scribe of Patterico's Pontifications, is the latest to be invited to the LATime's "Outside the Tent" op/ed parade.

The result is a must-read (here) for level-headed criticism that might actually cause some eyes to open at One Times Square. (OK, I'm dreaming...) He argues for page one corrections for errors in page one stories, but his main point is in the "why," not the "how:"
The mistakes cited above follow a consistent ideological pattern. I could fill this entire Sunday Opinion section with similar examples. Errors like these do not result from any conspiracy to distort the truth. Rather, they are the natural result of a newsroom that I'm willing to bet is staffed by people who largely share similar views. ... By balancing the editorial staff's ideological makeup, The Times could minimize its factual errors.
To his suggestion, I would add one more: That newspaper editorial writers no longer hide behind anonymity, but sign their opinons.