Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Operation Soldier: Good Stuff!

Operation Soldier, out of Fresno, is doing amazing work. Here's what they're up to:

Patriot Down raises money and seeks corporate gifts so families of wounded soldiers can visit their loved ones in the hospital. This cause is particularly dear to the heart of my brother-in-law Brian, who is one of the founders of Operation Soldier, since he spent three months recuperating from wounds sustained as a Special Forces medic in Vietnam, and his family could not afford to visit him even once.

The namesake program, Operation Soldier, raises funds to buy everyday goods and goodies for soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. In their first effort, they secured 8 tons of goods for our forces.

Finally, Brotherhood of the Badge is another program Brian, who's a Fresno cop, has been working on. It secures surplus police equipment and sends it to Iraq for the Iraqi police forces. Brian's been there a couple times to help train the police there.

The donation page isn't fully operational yet, but with a little ingenuity (or a stamp) you can give.
