Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Still Steaming Over Babs

Earlier today, I wrote about how Barbara Boxer is politicizing our war dead. I just keep getting more and more irritated. Here's what she said in the Condi hearings yesterday:
So in your statement it takes you to Page 3 to mention the word "Iraq." Then you mention it in the context of elections — which is fine — but you never even mention indirectly the 1,366 American troops that have died, or the 10,372 who have been wounded…. And 25% of those dead are from my home state.
As I said this morning, she's lying, or manipulating. Of the 1,370 of America's bravest and finest who have died in Iraq, 157, or 11.5 percent, are from California.

Her trick is transparent. She is also including the deaths of Marines who shipped out from Pendleton, no matter where they're from. More Pendleton Marines have died than any other US military population in Iraq, so if Babs combines them with the Golden State's native sons, she can eke out an impressive 25% figure.

The trouble is, she's dishonoring the war deadby using them for her political purposes. She's taking brave young men and women from Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maine, Arkansas, Montana and virtually every other state, ripping them out of their hometowns, and calling them Californians so she can grandstand in front of a national audience.

No one to my knowledge has asked her to even justify the number, and the only justification she can offer dishonors the sons, daughters, moms and dads who gave their lives in the War on Terror. Yes, she is stupid and arrogant ... and yes, once again the MSM aren't going to ask any tough questions of an anti-war liberal.

I just wish the blogosphere were a bit more outraged ...