Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 10, 2005

"Overenthusiasm?" How about "Bias?"

From AP, via Yahoo News:

CBS fired Mary Mapes, producer of the report aired Sept. 8 on "60 Minutes Wednesday"; Josh Howard, executive producer of the show; his top deputy Mary Murphy; and senior vice president Betsy West.

Dan Rather, who narrated the report, was faulted for "errors of credulity and overenthusiasm," but was not disciplined by top CBS executive Leslie Moonves. Rather announced in November that he was stepping down as anchorman of the "CBS Evening News," but insisted the timing had nothing to do with the investigation.

CBS News President Andrew Heyward kept his job. The panel said Heyward had explicitly urged caution before the report aired.

Is "overenthusiasm" a euphamism for "bias?" You bet. Anyone how doesn't see that is suffering from ratherrhia, the inability to stop shooting off your mouth against conservatives. Mapes was certainly cuplable, but she and her three colleagues aren't scapegoats enough to cover Rather's responsibility here.

And what kind of president is one who urges caution then lets the wholesale abandonment of caution proceed as business as usual?