Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 10, 2005

Coalition of the Corrupted Pulls Out

A coalition of tsunami care providers announced this morning that they are discountinuing efforts to provide reconstruction assistance in Bandeh Aceh, Indonesia.

The Coalition of the Corrupted, consisting of US corporations McDonalds, Blockbuster, Philip Morris and Jimmy Dean Sausage, said they no longer felt welcome after reading statements from Hilmy Bakar Almascaty, head of the Islamic Defenders Front in Bandeh Aceh.

"If they don't want our fast food, films, booze, cigarettes and pork products, then we'll take our infidel corruption elsewhere," said coalition spokesperson Jack "Porky" Daniels. "Let them eat cake ... and drink contaminated water."

Almscaty's statement triggering the withdrawal was, "We saw the American soldiers helping the Acehnese, and that is a good thing. They come here to help us and we welcome them. However, if they interfere with our tradition, or civilization or law, that would become a problem."

"We know when we're not welcome," Daniels said over pork rinds and bourbon.