Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Big MSM Opine on Rathergate

Here's an update on how the major print MSM are editorializing on Rathergate.

LATimes: An extremely bizarre editorial this morning from the LATimes, something you might expect from La La Land -- a focus on stars rather than something remotely relevant. The editorial completely shied away from any discussion of bias (the word never appears in the editorial), focusing instead on the "star power" of Rather and Mapes, concluding that it is star power, not bias, that is a threat needing remedy. No finger was pointed at the LA Times itself, or at any print media, which are all are loaded with their own stars, LATimes editor John Carroll one of the chiefs among them.

This morning I was reading Romans 2, in which Paul challenges the Jews that having the Law and being circumsized doesn't cut it with God; what cuts it is doing. Relating this to the Big MSM is easy enough: They can point their fingers at CBS and call them unclean, as the Jews did with the Gentiles, but only their actions, not their accusations, are worthy of consideration. The major print media seem to be shaking off this entire affair as a case of the waywardness of their broadcast brethren.

"If they only followed the Law like we follow the Law, they would not be unclean," they chant, heads bobbing and ephods glinting in the sun. Sorry boys. It's what you do that counts, even if your chants are very well written.

WashPost: Mum

NYTimes: Mum, although the Grayladypundits did find time to share their views about the weather with us.

Boston Globe: Mum

Chicago Tribune: The best yet; I covered it yesterday, a few posts down.