Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Putting the [Blank] Back In [Blank]mas 3

Posted by Hello

This sign appears in the Wisconsin State Capitol Rotunda, thanks to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a fine group of created beings who admits only 14 percent of the U.S. popultion is nonreligious, yet works through the courts to deprive the joy of our faith to the 86 percent who are religious.

Unswayed by the overwhelming votes against gay marriage in state after state, unmoved by the significance of the morality vote in November, this group of sad people soldiers on in their misinterpretation of the Constitution that is reflected in their very name. It is "freedom of religion," not "freedom from religion," and that preposition makes all the difference in the world.

On the back of the rotunda sign is the declaration, "State/Church: Keep Them Separate" and a little taped-on caveat, advising, "Thou shalt not steal." Says who? Or rather, Says Who? You either believe in a system of morality given to us from God on high, or you don't. That snotty little slap in the face of people of faith evidences the true mindset of these freethinkers: They are enslaved thinkers, enslaved by their hatred and distrust of we, the religious, and they take a sinner's joy out of their efforts to make us miserable.

It's a shame they find judges who help them in their cause. May God have mercy on their souls.