Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, December 03, 2004

Putting the [Blank] Back in [Blank]mas 2

Lots of interest brewing in Denver's Let's-not-call-it-Christmas Parade. It's Come Down To This had this inciteful take (actually, a lot of take, this is just a good cull; the whole thing is worth reading).

What is amazing to me is that the left – the self appointed keepers of intellectual discourse (see anything James Carville has ever said) – is comfortable with the idea that viewing a Christian display may inflict great harm whilst these other types of displays can be discussed and understood. Are non-Christian children so fragile that they can't discuss Christianity while Christian children, being apparently more robust, are able to participate in intellectual discourse - or at least the left is asking them to do what they seem incapable of asking their own to do.