Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, December 03, 2004

That Confusing Morality Thing

From the Boca Raton News (Hat tip Opinion Journal)

"If I had a cardboard cutout of President Bush, and these people wanted to throw darts at it, I would let them do it," Robert J. Gordon, [American Health Association] executive director, told the Boca News after the session. "It's no joke. People with PEST [Post-Election Stress Trauma] were traumatized by the election. If you even mention religion, their faces turn blister-red as they shout at Bush."

And we hope these people will understand the complexity of the interplay between our political, moral and spiritual lives? They would never let us get a word in edgewise. The report says most of the therapy group members are over 50 and Jewish; my guess: considerably over 50, like my mom, who at 83 is getting ever more strident against those who don't hold her views.

I'm not sure whether it's an unwillingness to understand, or an inability to. For example, eight years after I became a Christian, after countless deep discussions on the matter, she e-mailed me, "You're not one of those creationists [her italics] are you?" Unwilling? Unable?