Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Central Africa on the Edge of War

This just in via e-mail from Congo -- more bad news; very bad indeed:

Some UN staffers in Goma have confirmed that Rwandan troops have been spotted in Congo, going after the Interahamwe. [Rwandan president Paul] Kagame warned the Security Council last week that he thought the only way to deal with the "genocidaires" was to crush them militarily and now it looks like he's trying again.

The outlaw Interahamwe are the unspeakable Rwandan terrorists who have murdered 800,000 people, primarily Hutu but also about half of the country's Tutsi population. Kagame certainly has reason to track them down, and the world has reason to hope that the Interahamwe can be eliminated once and for all. But this is such a long-suffering; certainly the people of Central Africa look at this development with dread!

It looks like the fragile U.N. brokered peace the LA Times wrote about last week is now even more at risk. As disgustingly as some of the U.N. troops behaved (150 12-15 year-old girls raped), and as tempting as it might be to cite this as another example of U.N. incompetence, they are there and trying, and no one else in the world has done that. So no jibes and snide comments from me tonight; the prospect of more slaugher in that sad part of our world is so upsetting all I have are prayers.