Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Critical Thinkers on College Campuses?

George Will's great column on liberal bias in academia (here) drew this letter in today's OC Register (not yet on-line):

Columnist George Will is not surprised that liberals dominate campuses and attributes it to some kind of "good old boy" network. The simple fact is that people who acquire a good education naturally learn critical thinking, and critical thinkers cannot be strong conservatives, since conservatism requires an unhealthy dose of "head in the sand" mentality.

Oh. That explains why college campuses are the only places where there are still socialists and communists, since they can critically think up ways to ignore nearly 100 years of proof of the failure of that system. And certainly there is no sand anywhere near the heads of race-baiting African studies and family-hating women's studies profs, who force-feed students radical ideologies while ignoring political, sociological and economic realities.

Colleges are havens for leftist ideologues because the only proof required for their ideas is the collective opinion of similarly inclined peers in a highly controlled marketplace of ideas, i.e., "some kind of old boy network." People who want to put their ideas and beliefs to the test of a free marketplace will go elsewhere, as George Will did. And most people who want to rise or fall by what a free marketplace allows, rather than live a subsidized life in a controlled marketplace, will do, not teach.

God bless and protect the few, brave college profs who dare to espouse conservative ideas in that very hostile environment.