Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

12:05 a.m. PST Election Day +1

Boy would I be ticked if I had been standing in the drizzle in Boston for hours, only to hear John Edwards' speech. Hardly a word of thanks, nothing approaching a Deanian whoop. The pledge that every vote would be counted, and that they could wait another day was vague. It was softer than a go-for-blood promise, but just equivocal enough to be read both ways.

Seemingly unsaid at Fox is that New Mexico may be chock full of voter fraud in 2004. Here at moments before midnight, they're still not calling it despite a seemingly insurmountable lead for Bush. There was a hint when it was pointed out that fewer people have voted in the state in this election than in 2000 -- the only state where that's happened.

Albuquerque's not fully counted; that's one possibility, as are the reservations. It seems the only way Bush could lose would be the arrival of ballot boxes with huge amounts of Kerry ballots, enough to bring the vote count up to previous levels.