Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, April 16, 2006

"Wag The French Rectum..."

I doubt if you'll find a better paragraph in the week ahead than this, from Mark Steyn:
All the doom-mongers want to know why we went into Iraq "without a plan." Well, one reason is surely that, for a year before the invasion, the energy of the U.S. government was primarily devoted to the pointless tap-dance through the United Nations, culminating in the absurd situation of Western foreign ministers chasing each other through Africa to bend the ear of the president of Guinea, who happened to be on the Security Council that week but whose witch doctor had advised against supporting Washington. Allowing the Guinean tail to wag the French rectum of the British hindquarters of the American dog was a huge waste of resources. To go through it all again in order to prevent whichever global colossus chances to be on the Security Council this time (Haiti? The South Sandwich Islands?) from siding with the Russo-Chinese obstructionists would show that the United States had learned nothing.
The next time you hear a Leftie saying Bush "rushed" into Iraq, think "guinean tail wags the French rectum of the British hindquarters of the American dog ...."