Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 16, 2006

NYT Hasn't Corrected Photo

The NYTimes on line edition has not yet posted a correction on this fake photo, which it had posted earlier.

For those of you who've missed this one, read Reason's post, which exposed the fraud and American Thinker's lengthy piece on it. (The supposed missile in the photo is actually an old artillery shell, so the photo's posed and doesn't exactly support the poor, poor bombed Pakis position it's supposed to infer.)

Does NYT think its responsibility ends with pulling the photo? Had it run the photo in its print edition, it most likely would have seen fit to run a correction ... although this is the NYT, which is pretty snooty about correcting itself.

With each passing day, more MSM readers are turning to blogs as a primary, or verifying, source of news. They've got a small staff of fact-checkers; the blogosphere has an army of them.

For NYT not to admit it ran a staged photo only diminishes its stature among increasingly sophisticated readers. Whatever stature that may be.