Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 23, 2006


Regular (and even irregular) readers of C-SM are familiar with frequent commenter (AAARRRGGGHH!) Steve, who's always ready with a bigoted comment about Christians and a silly statement about GWOT.

Steve also drops his little comments on my wife's Web site and blog, on Bookworm's blog, and who knows where else.

So I wasn't surprised when my wife got this email from a friend:

OK…I have looked at Laer’s blog – a most impressive person for sure who should have been a journalist – and Steve’s comments.

There is ONLY one plausible explanation for Steve’s obsession with the two of you. Think back, wayyyyyy back. To Middle Ages England in a past life. Laer was the Lord of Reasontown and you were Lady of Hopefultown. Steve, well, Steve was the village idiot who drooled with jealousy at your stately positions that were simply your birthrights. He never got over it and is here, in this life, to get even. And us? Well, we weren’t much help. We threw rocks at him as one should do to the village idiot in pre-politically correct times.

I wonder what Steve does for a living aside from bicker with bloggers who can’t hurt him. He’s probably a tiny little guy with thick glasses who lives with his mother.

Not believing in reincarnation, that's not my opinion. But it's an interesting opinion.