Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Alito Headline Comparo

Hedgehog Blog has a telling look at the headlines over the Alito hearings story in five major newspapers today. It's quite amusing.

The hometown rag (well, just up the road from the hometown) takes the lefty cake of course. Here the LAT headder:

Alito Tries to Defuse Doubts

Furthering Hegehog's fine public service, here are the broadcast MSM headlines as of 1:30 p.m. PST:

ABC News: Under Fire

CBS News: Alito: No President Above The Law

CNN: Alito Fields Questions on Abortion, Executive Power

Fox News: "A Judge Has to Follow the Law"

NBC News: Battle Lines

ABC and NBC sure stick out, don't they? CBS gets one hot-button issue into its headline, while CNN manages to get in two. Don't forget why you're not supposed to like him, folks!

Fox? Seems kinda fair and balanced.