Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, December 12, 2005

Context For Aussie Riots?

Beer-swilling Aussies hardly raise sympathy in civilized circles, especially when the beat up minorities, but before you dispense with the anti-Muslim riots on Australian beaches as just another reason to visit New Zealand, not Australia, some context might be helpful.

I can't vouch for this, as I just copied it over from the comment field of the blog Bare Knuckle Politics, but it seems helpful in analyzing this. The commenter is named "Village Idiot," probably a good sign:

Here are some links which provide context, and help to explain why this happened.

First, two lifeguards were beaten by muslim gangs on this same beach, which caused general outrage: [link]

Secondly, the women on the beach testified on camera that these same muslim gangs were threatening rape on the same beach: [link]

Thirdly, the muslim gangs stabbing a man in the back, and vandalizing hundreds of cars. (This took place after the beating of gang members on beach) [link]

There's lots going on here, and lots of beer and lots of pent-up and likely misdirected hate and frustration involved. Count on MSM to not offer much perspective since they're elitist and anti-redneck, but depend as always on the blogosphere for more depth.