Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I Support The Miers Nomination

I support the Miers nomination.

With that, I'm officially listed in the minority opinion in Truth Laid Bear's count of blog opinions on the nomination. At the time of this posting the results are:
Opposed: 96
Neutral: 14
Support: 21
In the opposition are many blogs I respect, but I'm firm enough in my position to not change it now. I've gone on and one about it, so I'll spare you the details. In a nutshell:
  • If we want to hold the Dems to "advise and conscent" on a Roberts, we have to hold ourselves to it on a Miers.
  • Bush knows him better than we do and he's a smart fellow who is committed to strict constitutionalism.
  • She appeals to me precisely because she doesn't appeal to the Ivy League, inside the beltway crowd.
  • She's not a judge, she's not a constitutional scholar. We've got plenty of those on the court, so having someone with a different background is a good thing.
  • It's clear she's anti-Roe, and I say let the fur fly. It's way past time for this dancing around the obvious to end -- let opinions be known, and let the votes fall as they may.
As I've said before, in this process a human picks a human. There are no guarantees and people looking for them need to slap themselves upside the head and face reality.