Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fight On LA County Seal Not Over

The forces of good and reason haven't given up on the LA County seal. Says the LA Daily News:

The first attempt to put the issue before voters began July 4, 2004, and lasted a week before supporters learned that their petition format was flawed and could be successfully challenged in court. They stopped the petition drive after collecting about 40,000 signatures. The second attempt collected 109,000 signatures.

The last effort ended in September and came the closest of all - gathering 141,000 signatures.

Supporters say they now have a database of about 200,000 people who have signed previous petitions and if they can raise about $150,000 for printing and postage, they plan to mail those people new petitions, asking them to sign it, get two more people to sign and mail it back.

I wish I could sign the petition ... but not enough to move to LA.