Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sheehan Fading In Influence

Cindy's decline continues. Even the departure from Crawford couldn't spike up her falling numbers, or her influence. While some in the media say she's starting an anti-war movement, it's obvious that she's also starting an anti-Cindy Sheehan movement.

You can tell this is true when the very liberal Chicago Tribune writes this on its editorial page:
Meanwhile, on a farm in Illinois, Diane Ibbotson quietly continued to grieve the death of her son, Jostes, even as she followed events in Crawford, where Sheehan's presence triggered dueling protests, dueling views of the war.

"I don't respect what she's doing," Ibbotson said of Sheehan. "But I respect the freedom that she has to do what she's doing."

Sheehan and Ibbotson may have opposing views on the war and on whether to protest it. But they are united by their sons, who fought together and died together.

"I think about other families who have lost children through accident and illness and disease, tragic stories of lives lost," Ibbotson told a Tribune editorial writer this week. "I have consolation in knowing my son died a hero. And also we have a volunteer Army. No one came and forced my son, no one came and forced Casey. They volunteered for the mission. They were trained soldiers. They knew they weren't going to Boy Scout camp. They knew. They had all written their wills. We said the I love you's and be safe, don't be a hero, and come home."
Aug. 31: 121 hits (Leaving Camp Casey)
Aug. 30.: 136 hits
Aug. 29: 186 hits
Aug. 28: 132 hits
Aug. 27: 96 hits
Aug. 26: 183 hits
Aug. 25: 220 hits
Aug. 24: 208 hits (She's back)
Aug. 23: 249 hits
Aug. 22: 202 hits
Aug. 21: 120 hits
Aug. 20: 103 hits
Aug. 19: 232 hits
Aug. 18: 306 hits
Aug. 17: 295 hits (Off to California)
Aug. 16: 215 hits
Aug. 15: 136 hits
Aug. 14: 93 hits
Aug. 13: 107 hits
Aug. 12: 167 hits
Aug. 11: 113 hits
Aug. 10: 46 hits
Aug. 09: 32 hits
Aug. 08: 36 hits
Aug. 07: 39 hits
Aug. 06: 7 hits (6 AP, 1 CBS, natch)
Aug. 05: 3 hits (all Dallas Morning News, pre-arrival)
Aug. 04: 0 hits

And here's an update in the Sheehan/Roberts comparo:

Aug. 26 -- Sheehan: 121 ...... Roberts: 81

Note: Nexis does not provide a complete count. Video Monitoring Service had tracked over 20,000 Sheehan mentionsby Aug. 17. Nexis is, however, a good indicator of how heaviliy the media is covering a story, and it focuses more on larger papers and network shows that more people read and view. CBS News hits deleted from Sheehan/Roberts count because they mention correspondent John Roberts, not the Supreme Court nominee.
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