Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Agenda For Mr. Bush

It's been a week since the Katrina disaster unfolded in all its horror. It wasn't a good week by any measure. Entering week two, here are some humble suggestions for Mr. Bush's agenda:
  1. Read "Bush and Katrina," the powerful and correct editorial in today's Wall Street Journal. Particularly take to heart this: "Americans also won't have much patience for White House claims that state and local officials were the greater incompetents. Yes, Louisiana needed a Rudy Giuliani. But what Americans want now is proof that their government understands the nature of the challenge and is acting forcefully to meet it.
  2. Make any necessary changes in FEMA and DHS as they become evident. Roll a few heads that deserve it. Don't wait for the Dems to grandstand and force them through a Katrina Commission.
  3. Don't neglect Alabama and Mississippi by over-concentrating on New Orleans. That's called securing the base.
  4. If her backgrounding checked out, nominate Edith Clements to fill O'Connor's seat. Sure, it could be seen as pandering, but she appears to be a great judge, and if circumstances cause her to move to the top, pay attention to the circumstances.
  5. Deal quickly and decisively with gas production, supply and pricing. Force streamlining of regulatory approvals for new refineries, accept all foreign oil gifts except Venezuela's, make sure the Strategic Oil Reserve allocations are handled swiftly and smoothly, consider temporarily allocating federal gas taxes to Katrina relief, use whatever federal clubs there are to ensure gougers are punished, and to fight efforts (like Hawaii's) to impose ceilings.
  6. Give the greenies no quarter. They will be raising Kyoto demons and pushing for ultra-sensivitive rebuilding. Strike a moderate course on rebuilding, allowing waiving of regulations as appropriate, but also taking advantage of the opportunity to correct past egregious environmental insensitivities when feasible. Hold firm on Kyoto -- have your people lined up to shoot down these criticisms.
  7. Give Ray Nagin nothing to talk about. Overwhelm with efficiencies the ineptitude of his office, leaving him no quarter.
  8. Scratch Celine Dion off the White House guest list. In case you missed it, here's her quote from the Larry King fundraiser: "I know they have reasons for it. But I don't want to hear those reasons. ... How can it be so easy to send planes in another country to kill everybody in a second and destroy lives. We need to serve our country." Eh, is that Canada, Celine?