Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dissing Hagel

John Byrnes in the NYPost, disassembles Sen. Chuck Hagel's analogy of Iraq to Vietnam, including this:

Hagel is consistent in contradicting himself: He voted in 2003 to authorize U.S. military force in Iraq, and as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee helped pass that bill. And even now he allows that it's unwise to set a timetable for withdrawal: "You must always have flexibility in these things, and a judgment call by the president."

But he also called the president "disconnected from reality" in those Thursday remarks.

You can't have it both ways, senator. If this is another Vietnam, then your vote put us there. If the president is out of touch, why are you allowing him judgment calls? What are you after?

Whatever it is, could you remember something important? With rights comes responsibility — and the duty of a senator is not only to weigh in, but to weigh the facts first.

Right on.

h/t Real Clear Politics