Side-Splitting Analysis
If you don't get Opinion Journal's Best of the Web in your inbox daily, why not? You're missing stuff like this:
Democrats Split Over Position on Iraq War," reads a front-page headline in today's Washington Post. In the New York Times, a headline proclaims "Democrats Are Split on Questioning Roberts." It seems Splitsville is the new capital of donkeydom.
Of course, the two splits are different. On Iraq, the split is a matter of substance. Some Democrats want to cut and run, while others just want to bitch and moan.
On the Roberts nomination, by contrast, the dispute is over form: How much do the Democrats want to embarrass themselves by asking Judge Roberts ignorant and obnoxious questions prior to his inevitable confirmation? On the substance, as the Times piece makes clear, the party is united:Asked about debates within the caucus, Mr. Schumer emphasized the unity on Judge Roberts's nomination. "Not a single person has said they are for him or against him," he said. "Everyone is in sync."
If the Democrats' unity holds up, Roberts will be confirmed by a vote of 55-0.
And then there's this headline, "French Countryside Hit by a Massive Invasion of Frogs," and athe comment, "How long before they surrender to themselves?"
As much as I enjoy the humor, I also appreciate author Jame's Taranto's hard-hitting pieces. Here's the link; go there and sign up.
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