Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Musharraf Limits Madrassas

This very significant piece of news was buried as the last two paragraphs in the WaPo story about the arrests of another three London terror suspects:
Meanwhile, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's president, ordered all foreign students at madrassas , or religious schools, to leave the country, according to wire service reports. The schools have come under renewed scrutiny after reports that at least one of the four alleged suicide bombers in the July 7 attacks became radicalized while studying at a madrassa.

The order is part of a new crackdown on Islamic extremism that Musharraf has ordered in the wake of the bombings. More than 200 people have been arrested, although none of the detainees are alleged to have had any role in the attacks. "We will not allow madrassas to be misused for extremism, hatred being projected in our society," Musharraf told foreign journalists in Islamabad.

To fight terror, Islam must force the closure of madrassas run by crazed jihadists, so they cannot spread their vile disease to impressionable young men. Musharraf needs to go further than simply expelling the foreign students, but this public recognition of the danger of the schools is good, particularly because Pakistan has become such a fertile breeding ground for terrorists.