Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, June 25, 2005

A Pol Pot Comparison That's Valid

"The lives of people are at stake [in Zimbabwe], and as far as I understand, religiously speaking and humanitarianly speaking, all our systems in this world must defend human life; otherwise if our systems don't defend human life, it's not worth being alive. I mean, what are all our systems, what is all the hustle and bustle about, what is the G8 about? It's all about defence of human life, and if we are going to allow human life to be sacrificed to the power-mongering of an individual, then we're not being faithful to the aspirations of the human race here."
That's the Archbishop of Bulawayo, Pius Ncube, who was interviewed recently on England's Channel 4. The interview is transcribed at Norm Blog (h/t Instapundit).

Ncumbe defends his comparison of Zimbabwe dictator Robort Mugabe to Pol Pot:
It's not extreme. I mean here is a man who is not giving any warning to people, pushing them out, something like one and a half million people. This is extremely cruel, very much like Pol Pot, and this will lead to people starving. People are already starving in the country because Mugabe didn't call for aid, at least not in time, and he's politicizing food in certain areas. So now these people are being forced to go to the country where there's nothing. The rain didn't come down... So, what will happen to these people? They're going to starve...
This cry for help could well cost Ncumbe his life, but still he cries out! Is anyone listening? He called on the UN to arrest Mugabe. Fat chance. All the UN is doing is calling for $3 million in emergency UNICEF relief, that will likely sit on docs, go to Mugabe's henchmen, and be otherwise useless.